Government agencies, health insurance providers and patients agree that accreditation plays an important role in ensuring that medical imaging is as safe and effective as possible. In fact, accreditation has become so synonymous with excellence that most health insurance providers require it before they will reimburse practices for diagnostic imaging services. United Healthcare, which insures […]
Diagnostic Partner’s Blog
5 Things You Need to Know About Accreditation for United Healthcare
March 10th, 2016Best Practices for Complying With Meaningful Use Requirements
February 4th, 2016Five years ago, it looked as if Electronic Health Records (EHRs) would change health care for the better. The federal government’s official website for sharing educational materials and resources about health information technology was publishing stories about the benefits of electronic health records. Studies showed that most providers with EHR systems were experiencing success. The […]
Top Ways for Practices to Save Money on Annual Wellness Visits in 2016
January 28th, 2016Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2011, there has been an increased focus on promoting annual wellness visits as a way to improve Medicare patients’ overall health and reduce health care costs. In 2012, 2.8 million patients saw their physicians for annual wellness visits. In 2013, that number rose to 4 […]
Cost Containment in the Accountable Care Organization Model
January 21st, 2016When President Obama sat at his desk in the Oval Office and signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, he was surrounded by lawmakers, policy experts and many others who championed the legislation as a way to make the nation’s healthcare system more accessible and affordable. While not perfect, the ACA did promote some […]
Becoming a Patient-Centered Medical Home Practice
January 19th, 2016There are many reasons for your practice to focus on Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) services. It benefits patients. It benefits the community. It benefits your bottom line. As a PCMH-certified practice, you’ll have the opportunity to drastically improve the quality of life for Medicare patients by coordinating a cooperative team of healthcare professionals to provide integrated patient […]
See what satisfied clients have to say about Diagnostic Partners

“For over 12 years, Diagnostic Partners has been our partner of choice for cardiovascular imaging throughout the country in our QTC clinics. Diagnostic Partners’ techs are consistently excellent. They are professional and personable, and we have received many compliments from the veterans about their service. As we all strive to provide high-quality, convenient services in a timely and cost-effective manner, Diagnostic Partners helps us ensure we meet these standards by decreasing travel requirements for veterans and improving our report turn-around times.”
Larry Schaefer
Vice President of Provider Relations
QTC Medical, A Lockheed Martin Company